1 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 705Toronto, ONM4P 3A11-416-519-4679 | 1-888-543-2516info@fenestrationcanada.ca
Virtual Access to the Spring Conference
Can't make it to the Spring Conference? Connect via zoom and join us virtually.
All education sessions will be available on Zoom.
Registrants will receive links in advance of the sessions.
**Note all times are in the Atlantic Time Zone
Wednesday June 8th
6:30pm - President's Dinner streamed live. Join us for a special presentation and President's award.
Thursday June 9th
10:30am - 11:30am - Education Session: Jonathon Layton/Taylor Wight of Layton Consulting. Energy codes, certification, and where they are headed.
1:30pm - 2:30pm - Education Session: Fireside chat with Jason Neal Executive Director SAWDAC. What’s new, what’s coming?
Friday June 10th
1:15pm - 2:15pm - Education Session: NBC 2020 Code update with Al Jaugelis and Dave Goldsmith
2:30pm - 3:30pm - Education Session: Field Water Penetration Testing Task Group Update with Terry Adamson